PoC Exhibition

The PoC Exhibition was conducted to select the top 4 PoCs for representing in the national level PoC Competition organized by MHRD’s Innovation Council, Government of India. On 14th March 2019, Student participants along with their mentors of all the faculties were invited. We had around 27 prototypes displayed. Total number of participants were 52 and number of mentors were 17. We had received PoCs from Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Department of Computer Science Engineering.
MHRD had given 2 sub categories based on the sectors the idea was under. And the top two projects from each of the categories were to be nominated for the next level.
The top teams from each category were selected after evaluation and the teams for each category are:

CategoryTitle of the Project
ADengue Kit
AFoot Dynamometer
BZero Wastage Water Purifier
BClog Removing Autonomous Bot
A Glimpse from PoC Exhibition
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